Sometimes, there isn't enough room for all of your belongings – and arranging storage, on top of moving can be a blessing in disguise – or a nightmare. So you need another, convenient, cheap option for your furniture.
Storage companies are basically large warehouses or lockups that you can rent – and range in size from a box room to an area large enough to store a complete house.

Storage is great if you're needing to move out of one house before your other hoese is ready – or when you've sold your old house but haven't finished arranging the new one. It saves the you having to work out what to do with your things.
It's also a good idea when you have too much furniture for your new house, and no where to store it yourself – and while garages and basements are great for short term storage, they aren't protected, in some cases against the elements, nor, possibly insured against accidents, such as fires or flood. Garages and basements also, while accessible, may also need to be used for other things.

It is possible for your belongings to be damaged in storage, but highly unlikely – you'll be given a list of belongings that you're checking in – and you should check at that time that everything is secure, sealed and stacked or placed well.
If you're moving long distance, its always good to research, throughly, by phone and if possible, in person, how much access you'll have to your furniture, and belongings, and what sort of notice you need to give – you'll also need to work out what is going into storage and how much space you'll need for it all.
If you're unsure of storage companies, and you're using a removal company – ask them – they may have a group of storage companies they deal with, and offer you a better premium than you may otherwise get. It also means that you've got less research to deal with.

I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. Every individual I’ve worked with has had some abandonment wound to heal, and most relationship problems stem from abandonment wounds.

inspiration, coaching, self improvement, counseling, goals, motivation, innovation, positive thinking

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I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. Every individual I’ve worked with has had some abandonment wound to heal, and most relationship problems stem from abandonment wounds.

It is not possible to grow up in our society without some abandonment wounds. The following are some of the ways it can occur:

* Being torn away from mother at birth and put into a nursery.

* Being left to cry in a crib or playpen.

* Being given up for adoption or being left in foster care.

* Being physically and/or sexually abused.

* Being emotionally abused - ignored, yelled at, shamed.

* Being pushed aside at the birth of a new sibling.

* Having a parent or caregiver who is emotionally unavailable.

* Being unseen or misunderstood by parents or other caregivers.

* Being lied to.

* Being unprotected by a parent or caregiver.

* Being left alone in a hospital during an illness.

* Losing a beloved parent or grandparent at a very young age.

* Divorce.

* Being teased or left out with siblings or peers.

* Being ridiculed by a teacher.

* Being forgotten - not being picked up from school or other places.

* Being left at a young age to care for oneself, a parent, or other siblings.

When we are deeply wounded at a young age, we cannot handle the pain, so we find ways to dissociate from the intense feelings. Then, later in life, especially when we fall in love, these old wounds can get activated. Our beloved gets angry, withdraws, gives attention to someone else, says mean things, doesn't tell the truth, doesn't stand up for us, comes home late, wanders away in a crowded public place, misunderstands us, and so on - and suddenly the pain that has been pushed aside all these years comes roaring to the surface. We think that we are reacting to the present situation, but what is really happening is that the old, unhealed abandonment wound has been touched off. We might find ourselves suddenly enraged or falling apart with intense tears. Our reaction seems too big for the situation, yet we cannot seem to stop the inner pain. We might start to shake violently as the old terror finally erupts.

We want our beloved to take the pain away by stopping his or her behavior. If only he or she would not do the thing that activates these feelings, we would be fine. Yet until we actually heal these old, deep wounds, we will not be fine. We will always be vulnerable to having these wounds activated.

Healing the abandonment wounds does not happen overnight, yet it does not have to take years either. Step one is to tune into your feelings with a willingness to take responsibility for your pain. Once you are aware that deep pain has been activated, seek the help of someone who can hold you and nurture you while you go into the abandonment pain. If no one is available, hold a doll, bear or pillow, and bring in love to the hurting part of you. Open to your concept of God or Spirit and allow this source of love and strength to nurture you.

It is often not advisable to seek the help of the person who activated the wound because:

1) he or she may still be stuck in their own wounded place, the place that touched off your wound;

2) you might become dependent upon your beloved taking care of you and taking the pain away instead of actually healing the pain.

Once you are with a safe, nurturing person, or even on the phone with a safe person, hold a doll or bear or even a pillow very tightly and breath into the pain. Open to learning and allow the Inner Child who is in pain to give you information about the original pain that is still stuck in the body. The body holds the memories that you repressed at the time, and now the body is releasing these memories. Many images may come up as you open to learning with your Inner Child. Be sure you have your spiritual guidance with you, holding you, surrounding you with love and comfort as you open to learning about this deep pain. In order to truly understand your present reaction, you need to understand what happened to you when you were little. Keep breathing deeply and allowing your Inner Child to inform you, even if you are crying. Tell the person helping you what your Child is telling you about what happened to you when you were little. It may take awhile, but gradually you will calm down. At that point, tune into what false beliefs you may have embraced as a child that are affecting you now, and what else your Child needs right now to feel loved and safe.

Being there for your wounded child this way will gradually heal the abandonment wounds. Ignoring your feelings, trying to make them go away, or trying to get someone else to take them away will only serve to re-wound you. It is only when you no longer abandon yourself that the old wounds begin to heal. Eventually, another's behavior that previously triggered your intense reaction will no longer do so. You may feel sad or lonely when a loved one gets angry or withdraws in some way, but as long as you continue to show up for yourself, the intense pain will not be there.

If the pain seems stuck in the body no matter what you do, then you need to seek out a practitioner who knows how to release old pain out of the body through acupressure or other bodywork.

Once these old wounds are healing, you will feel a new sense of personal power. Others’ behavior can no longer trigger you into these intensely painful feelings. However, a word of caution: we may think it is healed, only to discover another level when we move into a more intimate relationship, or more intimacy with a present partner. The closer the relationship, the deeper the wounds get activated. That is why the primary relationship is the most powerful arena for healing there is, and Inner Bonding - the process outlined here - is a most powerful tool! (See resource box for a FREE Inner Bonding course).

One of the funniest and most beloved comedies of its era, the Cheers spin-off Frasier remained a lynchpin in the NBC lineup for much of the 1990s. Following the life of eminent psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane in the aftermath of his divorce from Lilith, Frasier takes place in Seattle, Washington where the title character lives with his handicapped father Martin, a retired police officer wounded in the line of duty. The two are joined by Daphne Moon, a live-in housekeeper and p...

frasier season 4 dvd review

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One of the funniest and most beloved comedies of its era, the Cheers spin-off Frasier remained a lynchpin in the NBC lineup for much of the 1990s. Following the life of eminent psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane in the aftermath of his divorce from Lilith, Frasier takes place in Seattle, Washington where the title character lives with his handicapped father Martin, a retired police officer wounded in the line of duty. The two are joined by Daphne Moon, a live-in housekeeper and physical therapist, and Martin’s dog Eddie who is constant irritant to Frasier. Recurring characters include Frasier’s brother Niles and Frasier’s producer Roz Doyle…

The Frasier (Season 4) DVD offers a number of hilarious episodes including one episode (#77) where Niles’ head of hair becomes the good luck charm which turns the Sonics basketball season into one of playoff contention. Niles becomes an instant celebrity and wins over Marty’s approval… Bebe Neuwirth returns in her role as Frasier’s ex-wife, Dr. Lilith Sternin, in a special Thanksgiving episode where Frasier and Lilith join together to aid in Frederick’s admission to a prestigious school... In the season finale, a desparately single Frasier rushes to the airport to pick up a woman, Laura (Linda Hamilton), who mistakenly left a message on his answering machine…

Below is a list of episodes included on the Frasier (Season 4) DVD:

Episode 73 (The Two Mrs. Cranes) Air Date: 09-17-1996
Episode 74 (Love Bites Dog) Air Date: 09-24-1996
Episode 75 (The Impossible) Air Date: 10-15-1996
Episode 76 (A Crane’s Critique) Air Date: 10-22-1996
Episode 77 (Head Game) Air Date: 11-12-1996
Episode 78 (Mixed Doubles) Air Date: 11-19-1996
Episode 79 (A Lilith Thanksgiving) Air Date: 11-26-1996
Episode 80 (Our Father Whose Art Ain’t Heaven) Air Date: 12-10-1996
Episode 81 (Dad Loves Sherry, the Boys Just Whine) Air Date: 01-07-1997
Episode 82 (Liar! Liar!) Air Date: 01-14-1997
Episode 83 (Three Days of the Condo) Air Date: 01-21-1997
Episode 84 (Death and the Dog) Air Date: 02-11-1997
Episode 85 (Four for the Seesaw) Air Date: 02-18-1997
Episode 86 (To Kill a Talking Bird) Air Date: 02-25-1997
Episode 87 (Roz’s Krantz & Gouldenstein are Dead) Air Date: 03-11-1997
Episode 88 (The Unnatural) Air Date: 04-01-1997
Episode 89 (Roz’s Turn) Air Date: 04-15-1997
Episode 90 (Ham Radio) Air Date: 04-22-1997
Episode 91 (Three Dates and a Breakup: Part 1) Air Date: 04-29-1997
Episode 92 (Three Dates and a Breakup: Part 2) Air Date: 04-29-1997
Episode 93 (Daphne Hates Sherry) Air Date: 05-06-1997
Episode 94 (Are You Being Served?) Air Date: 05-13-1997
Episode 95 (Ask Me No Questions) Air Date: 05-20-1997
Episode 96 (Odd Man Out) Air Date: 05-20-1997

Many of us yearn to be able to get up in front of large crowds of people and be in the spotlight. We see others around us who are at ease with being the center of attention and the respect they earn for doing so. Why is it so, and what can I do to be like these people?

breaking the habit, social anxiety

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Do you often feel uneasy in social settings? Do large gathering of people make you want to retreat back to the safety and solitude of your home? Do you often break out in a sweat or get nervous when at a large function? If any of these sounds familiar you probably are one of the many people who suffer from social anxiety disorder. The good news is with time, counseling and practice you can join the ranks of the hundreds of thousands of people who are breaking the habit and re-introducing themselves to social settings with ease.

Many of us yearn to be able to get up in front of large crowds of people and be in the spotlight. We see others around us who are at ease with being the center of attention and the respect they earn for doing so. Yet when it comes time for us to take the stage or be the center of attention we often feel ill or uneasy about the entire situation. While some may think of this as purely a habit that has no consequences except for our embarrassment, the truth of the matter is people who are uneasy about themselves or react badly in social gatherings tend to be passed over in life for promotions, advancement and just being a "part of the group".

There are a number of methods and simple at-home exercises you can do to help you overcome your anxiety and re-join the crowds and social activities you may have had to give up out of fear. A number of online support groups as well as local support resources provide the information and help many people need to regain control of their fears and stare them down.

If you believe you may be suffering from this disorder start by reaching out for help either online or locally. You don't need to be afraid of interacting with society - there are those out there who can help you.

Ham or amateur radio as a hobby involves some hard work in the form of getting licensed, and acquiring knowledge of the technical details. The hobby itself starts in the first step by one getting the ham device. Selection of a good ham radio is best done under the guidance of a person who knows about the radios well. More than that, one must know the local laws and rules with respect to the ham operation.

Getting to know your ham:
It is important to know about hams and, to know about your own ham as soon as you feel the urge to buy / assemble one. If you want to know about the ham, then again, internet, books and other hobbyists are all good places to start with. If you know no technical details of the electronics but find yourself fascinated by the idea, then it is time to learn a bit of jargon in the field.

So, if you do not know something, you should come out and seek answers either from those who might know or from resources like the library or the internet. One must spend some time and effort to learn about the hobby that one wants to pursue. Just a wish is not a good enough reason to pursue a hobby. One needs more than just a wish to be able to pursue an activity as a hobby. So, recognition of the hobby and the right kind of activity that suits you is important.

Ham operation can be taxing and sometimes it can be tiring in spite of the modern equipment that does the scanning on its own. It is like the astrophysicist searching for some communications from aliens. If that idea grabs your attention, then this hobby will be to your liking since the activity is virtually the same, except for the helpful fact that we know there is someone who exists for sure, and one gets more than just “radio signals of unknown nature”. You get interaction from real people, from out there in the world, who live in flesh and blood as you do.

Your choice of equipment depends on how involved you are, and what your budget is that you can afford to invest in a ham equipment. There are good stores out there that sell ham radio at a reasonable cost. Again, as usual, it’s wise to chat with those who are ham radio operators, and also to visit and know the prices from various shops that sell ham radios to be able to select the best deal.

The cost of the radio equipment that can connect to longer distances will be higher than the ones that have a lesser range. Moreover, the recent advancements like digital voice transmission and such can be more costly than the simple Morse code wireless telegraphing model.

Getting licensed is the next hurtle. The amateur radio operator license exam does not require Morse code proficiency any more as it is has been allowed to be dropped as agreed in 2003 in the World Radiocommunication Conference in Geneva. The test will include the knowledge of ham etiquette, the communication laws that apply internationally as well as in your region and such. Once licensed, one is free to use the allotted bandwidths and is allowed to change or modify the equipment within the limits imposed by “spurious standards”.

So…what are you waiting for? Go get a ham and get your license: get going!

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